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Irish-Celtic Mysteries


The Grove of the Light of Erin

Solas Geal na hEireann

The Grove of the Light of Erin is  devoted to the promulgation and evolution of the Irish-Celtic traditions in the 21st century in the Southern Appalachian Mountains.  Our lineage directly connects to the Order of Celtic Mysteries through our elders and mentors.  We gather for the cross-quarter fire holidays in a fun, richly spiritual, and personally transformative manner, and we host gorgeous retreats in Ireland several times a year.  We foster a deep sense of community, a greater sense of purpose, the cultivation of well-being, and the stewardship of healthy relations with the Earth in respect to the Irish-Celtic traditions. 

With the 2024 publication of Aisling: Discovering Keys in the Irish-Celtic Mysteries, by co-founding member, Jeremy Schewe, the Grove of the Light of Erin now offers courses online allowing a larger community to become involved,  promulgating tradition, and nurturing learning.  Most courses are pre-recorded, though some courses are live and available to small groups via online forums.

In this interactive virtual course, you will learn about the traditional ecological and esoteric knowledge of the twenty Irish ogham "trees".  Further, learn ancient divination practices via the ogham, as a "deck", ogham tokens, or in the actual physical landscape around you.  Learn how to navigate life decisions via the forest of the mind, heart, and body.  Connect with the sacred ogham trees, forests, and the Gaeilge (the Irish language).

Move at your own pace. The scheduling is up to you: start and move as fast or slow as you like.  Pair with mentoring to transliterate the ogham to your ecoregion and native tree palette.

Current Course Offerings


Irish-Celtic Ogham Divination

Virtual Course w/ Jeremy Schewe


Ireland: Healing the Grail Keepers 

Online Course w/ Jeremy Schewe & Elizabeth Bercovici

In the ancient Irish-Celtic tradition of the Fisher King and the Holy Well(s), the Holy Grail symbolizes each of our bloodlines and the well maidens our ancestry.  Follow the call, acknowledge where ancestral line were distorted, heal your relationship, and embody your higher service as a Grail Keeper in the 21st century.


This course will be a live, 4-week long online course beginning in January 2025 and held weekly.  Join Jeremy and Elizabeth for the optional post-course in-depth retreat in Ireland during the Lions Gate in early August 2025.

~ Click on image or button for info or to register ~

Sovereign Goddesses of Ireland 

Virtual Course w/ Jeremy Schewe & Lumi Schewe

In this interactive virtual course, you will journey into the Celtic Otherworld to meet four Irish goddesses of sovereignty: Morrígu, Macha, Áine, and Brigid.  What awaits you are deep mysteries of powerful feminine deities of pre-Christian Celtic Ireland.  These goddesses provide entry into our exploration of the Great Mother in her Irish-Celtic embodiments.  Learn how to access, commune with, and be in service with these powerful beings.  Connect with their sacred lands, temples, and holy wells.

The beauty of this virtual course is that you can move at your own pace. The scheduling is up to you: start and move as fast or slow as you like.

More on the Online Courses

The online courses are designed for the initiate who seeks a deeper understanding and relationship with the Celtic mysteries in respect to Ireland. In the ancient fashion of the Celts, our courses cover a span of topics from sacred sites and mythology, to contemporary culture and the arts. We dive deep into symbol, myth, ceremony, and sacred sites. We explore the Celtic relationship with the seasons via the “fire festivals” or cross-quarter holidays. Courses can be deepened and enhanced with our in-person retreats in Ireland, or also via one-on-one mentoring.  Distillation of what you can expect:

  • Learn traditional and contemporary Irish lore, mythology, and spiritual practices.

  • Refine second site, dreaming, and journey techniques to the Otherworld.

  • Learn Irish chants, songs, and drumming.

  • Cultivate a keen understanding of the Irish-Celtic worldview – traditional and contemporary.

  • Hone understanding of Irish-Celtic symbols and language.

  • Become a tobar (holy spring or well) steward/guardian.

  • Embody the Irish-Celtic wheel of the year, the medicine circle, and relationship with sacred sites.

  • Harmonize with the Irish-Celtic seasonal relationships, personal sovereignty, and land stewardship.

  • Access the tree oracle via the ogham.

  • Cross-quarter holiday weekend Óenach, immersions, and annual Ireland retreats or pilgrimage.

  • Harmonize your ancestral Irish-Celtic heritage (or dreamline/spirit lineage).

For inquiries and more info: click here!

We practice opening ourselves to the benevolent mystery and magic of place, while listening to the land speak and being guided by our aislingí - our visions and dreams - as they refine our understanding of how best to serve the ancient Light of Erin.  As Celtic peregrini (pilgrim, wanderer, seeker… Latin for “one from abroad”) in search of the place of our personal “resurrection” and belonging, we nurture the art of the seanchaí  (pronounced “shawnakey”), a Celtic bearer of ancient/timeless lore connected to the sacred landscape and living mythology.

For clarity, our grove and this lineage is not seeking to recreate a glorified or romanticized past, but instead we celebrate the fruit of the labors of all the Irish-Celtic lore keepers who have come before us.  More so, we seek to honor the seanchaí, bean feasa, and fear feasa who have illuminated the pathway through the darkness and cultivated deep roots in the soil of antiquity.  We are here to promulgate the Light of Erin and her timeless traditions into an abundant future while preserving sanctuaries of the oracles, holy wells, and psychic fountains of the sídhe around the world.  We are not directly associated with OBOD, though several of our core and founding members are heavily involved with OBOD.  We are not reconstructionists.  What we share:

  • Cross-quarter fire holiday ceremonies and Óenach

  • Traditional Irish votive offerings (seasonal and non-seasonal)

  • Embody the Irish-Celtic wheel of the year and medicine circle

  • Deep relationships with sacred sites of Ireland and Southern Appalachian Mountains

  • Harmonize with the Irish-Celtic seasonal relationships and personal sovereignty

  • Land stewardship and holy wells/springs

  • Our grove sanctuary at Haltia Haven, in Highlands, North Carolina

  • Our nemeton and Mother Grove near Sligo, Ireland

  • Annual retreats and pilgrims walks in Ireland

  • Strengthening relations with our Irish-Celtic heritage (or dreamline/spirit lineage).

The Grove of the Light of Erin meets in person in Asheville, Boone, and Highlands, North Carolina, USA, as well as Sligo, Ireland.

For inquiries and more info: click here!

The Grove of the Light of Erin

Through the Wheel of the Year, we gather and work as a group of initiates steeped in Irish-Celtic lore. We cultivate a strong community alchemy and foster healthy interpersonal synergy. We celebrate life, our heritage (whatever your biological ancestry may be), and the sacred landscape via reciprocity.  We both boldly and humbly serve the great Mystery and life.


Inchanted Journeys

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